International Organization for Academic and Scientific Development (IOASD)
Committed for Development in Academics and Research
91- 6026109001
About Membership
International Organization for Academic and Scientific Development (IOASD) welcomes academicians, professionals, scholars, researchers, Scientists, students, institutions and other academic organizations to be part and members of the IOASD. To bring all the academicians, scholars, researchers, scientists and students under the shadow of the IOASD, we have created an avenue for professional membership in our organization. By becoming a member, one will receive a membership e-certificate, membership qualification, and other benefits as well. This type of membership gives us the feeling of belonging to the same family, sense of same community, producing network among same professionals as well as help in professional advancement.
Apply for Membership
How to Join
To become a member, the applicant needs to fill the above membership application form online or email their CV & Passport type Photo to email:
After receiving the applicant’s email, the Executive Committee will evaluate and communicate back to the applicant by email or the contact number they might have provided.
The selection of membership is based on professional qualification, academic achievements, social contribution, etc. which will be evaluated by the Executive Committee of the International Organization for Academic and Scientific Development (IOASD).